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Creative workshops

2024 BSBSA Jana Danilović (Republic of Serbia) in Bucharest

Jana Danilović (Republic of Serbia) hosts a street art workshop in Bucharest

Workshop details:

  • Host: Jana Danilović
  • Location: Lente, 78 Dionisie Lupu street, Bucharest
  • Date & Time: June 16, 2024, 18:00-22:00
  • Cost: free
  • Minimum age: 14+

Note: Attendance at the workshop requires prior registration due to limited availability.

Registration form

Previous workshop

Artistul Ortaku susține un atelier de stencil ca eveniment inaugural al proiectului BSBSA

Street artist Ortaku leads stencil workshop as the inaugural event of BSBSA project

The BSBSA (Belgrade Sofia Bucharest Street Art) Project kicks off with an enthralling stencil workshop led by the esteemed street artist Ortaku. This event marks the first in a series of transformative artistic endeavours under the BSBSA project, aimed at reshaping public spaces through creativity and community engagement.

Workshop details:

  • Host: Ortaku, an expert in the realm of street art renowned for his captivating stencil work
  • Location: Lente, 78 Dionisie Lupu street, Bucharest
  • Date & Time: January 27, 2024, 14:00-18:00
  • Cost: free
  • Minimum age: 16+

This hands-on workshop invites participants of all artistic backgrounds to delve into the fascinating world of stencil artistry. Ortaku, celebrated for his evocative street art pieces adorning various urban landscapes, will guide attendees through the intricacies of stencil creation, offering insights into technique, concept development, and the power of artistic expression in transforming public spaces.

This event supports the BSBSA project’s mission to humanise public spaces in Bulgaria, Romania, and Serbia through art. The stencil workshop by Ortaku promises to be an engaging, interactive experience, allowing participants to learn how to contribute to the fabric of their city in an artistic and meaningful way. Attendees can expect to immerse themselves in an atmosphere brimming with inspiration, creativity, and a shared passion for redefining public spaces.

The workshop takes place in the urban living-room and art gallery Lente, it lasts 4 hours and it can accommodate 10-15 participants, aiming to foster individual expressions, facilitate dialogue and the production of a stencil sprayed on A2 size paper. Ortaku will tell you about street art and graffiti in general, with a focus on stencils. You learn to cut and to experiment with over-layered shapes and colours. All the materials needed are included (markers, A2 and A3 papers, spray cans, cutter, gloves and mask).

Join us for a day of artistic exploration and community celebration.

Note: Attendance at the workshop requires prior registration due to limited availability.

Registration form

About the BSBSA Project 

The BSBSA (Belgrade Sofia Bucharest Street Art) project is a collaborative endeavour uniting artists and communities across Bulgaria, Serbia, and Romania to reimagine and rejuvenate public spaces through diverse artistic interventions, workshops, and exhibitions. Learn more here:

Photography © Save or Cancel / Petre Ghiocel, George-Andrei Ilie